4 Fascinating Reasons Facebook May Fade
In my last book, Surviving the Talent Exodus, I predicted that Facebook might become a permanent communication medium in our lives. Today, I communicate with some business connections faster and more often through Facebook. However, as the growth of Facebook slows down, I am starting to notice interesting realities that might indicate Facebook is mortal after all.
Not unlike his ancestor MySpace, Facebook is indeed vulnerable. Without significant adaptation, Facebook may also become less significant in our lives. This devaluation could become the fertile soil for something new. As fast as we adapted to Facebook, we could just as quickly adapt to the next interesting twist for social media.
So what exactly is threatening Facebook as we speak? The answers are both obvious and subtle. These speculations are likely taking place in boardroom discussions at the now publically owned entity we call Facebook. If they are not being discussed with significant regularity, Facebook will be difficult to sustain. Here are some questions to consider about Facebook’s future....
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