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The Accidental Diminisher: Emma's Transformation


Emma had always prided herself on her leadership skills. As the head of a successful marketing team at Zenith Solutions, she was known for her attention to detail, commitment to excellence, and unwavering dedication to meeting deadlines. However, beneath this veneer of confidence lay a truth that Emma was unaware of: she was an accidental diminisher.

The term "accidental diminisher," coined by Liz Wiseman in her groundbreaking work on leadership, refers to leaders who, despite their positive intentions, stifle the growth and contributions of their team. These leaders often micromanage, make all the decisions, and inadvertently suppress the talents of those around them. Emma, unfortunately, was a textbook example.

The Awakening

One crisp Monday morning, the team gathered in the conference room for their weekly meeting. Emma walked in, armed with a meticulously prepared agenda and a stack of reports. She started the meeting by outlining the week's objectives, assigning tasks, and delving into the details of each project. The team members listened attentively, taking notes, but something was missing—their enthusiasm.

After the meeting, Emma returned to her office and noticed a book on her desk. It was Liz Wiseman's "Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter." A note was attached: "Emma, I think you'll find this enlightening. Best, Maria." Maria, the HR director, had subtly nudged Emma towards a revelation.

Curiosity piqued, Emma began reading the book that evening. She was struck by the descriptions of diminishers and multipliers. Diminishers drained intelligence, energy, and capability from their teams, while multipliers amplified the intelligence and capability of people around them. As Emma read on, she felt an uncomfortable recognition. The characteristics of diminishers—micromanaging, making unilateral decisions, and being overly critical—were all too familiar.

The Realization

Emma's initial reaction was defensive. She believed she was being thorough and ensuring quality. But as she reflected on her interactions with her team, she began to see the truth. Her meticulousness often translated into micromanagement. Her commitment to excellence sometimes meant she took over tasks instead of allowing her team to handle them. Her critical feedback, meant to be constructive, often left her team feeling demoralized.

The turning point came during a one-on-one meeting with Jason, one of her brightest team members. Jason, usually enthusiastic and full of ideas, seemed unusually subdued. Emma, trying to probe gently, asked him about a recent project he had worked on.

"Jason, I noticed you didn't incorporate many of your innovative ideas in the last campaign. Why is that?" Emma asked.

Jason hesitated, then said, "Honestly, Emma, it's because I knew you'd change most of it. I've stopped trying to think outside the box because I feel like it's not valued."

Emma was taken aback. She had always thought she was encouraging creativity, but here was a clear indication that her actions were having the opposite effect. The weight of the realization settled heavily on her shoulders.

The Transformation Begins

Determined to change, Emma decided to implement the principles she had learned from Wiseman's book. She started by openly addressing the issue with her team. At the next meeting, she shared her epiphany.

"I've realized that my leadership style might be holding us back," she began, her voice steady but humble. "I've been reading about how leaders can unintentionally diminish their teams, and I see now that I've been doing this. I want to change that. I want to become a multiplier."

The room was silent. Emma continued, "From now on, I'm going to focus on empowering each of you. I'll be stepping back more and encouraging you to take the lead on projects. I want to hear your ideas and see your creativity shine."

The team exchanged glances, a mix of surprise and cautious optimism on their faces. Emma knew that her words alone wouldn't be enough; she needed to demonstrate her commitment through actions.

Implementing Change

The first real test came with a major marketing campaign for a new product launch. Emma assigned Jason to lead the project, explicitly stating that she trusted his vision and judgment. She made a conscious effort to provide support without taking over, offering feedback only when asked and encouraging the team to brainstorm and make decisions collectively.

The transformation was slow but noticeable. Jason thrived in his new role, coming up with innovative ideas and leading the team with a newfound confidence. Emma watched with pride as her team collaborated more effectively, their energy and enthusiasm reignited.

One afternoon, during a brainstorming session, Emma resisted the urge to steer the conversation. Instead, she asked open-ended questions and listened actively. The room buzzed with creativity, and ideas flowed freely. Emma realized that her role was to guide and facilitate, not dictate.

A New Era

Months passed, and the change in Emma's leadership style yielded remarkable results. The team's productivity soared, and the quality of their work improved. More importantly, the team members felt valued and empowered. Emma had successfully transitioned from an accidental diminisher to a multiplier.

The true test of Emma's transformation came during the annual company review. The CEO, impressed by the marketing team's exceptional performance, praised Emma's leadership. "Your team's success is a testament to your growth as a leader, Emma. You've unlocked their potential."

Emma smiled, grateful for the recognition but even more grateful for the journey she had undertaken. She knew that being a multiplier was a continuous process of learning and self-awareness. She had made a commitment to herself and her team to foster an environment where everyone could thrive.


Emma often reflected on her journey, grateful for the timely intervention of Maria and the insights from Liz Wiseman's book. She realized that true leadership wasn't about control but about empowering others. By shifting her focus from being the smartest person in the room to making everyone around her smarter, she had unlocked the collective potential of her team.

Emma's story became an inspiration within Zenith Solutions. Other leaders began reading "Multipliers" and examining their own leadership styles. The ripple effect of Emma's transformation spread throughout the company, creating a culture of empowerment, collaboration, and innovation.

In the end, Emma's journey from an accidental diminisher to a multiplier wasn't just about her personal growth—it was about creating a lasting impact on her team and her organization. And that, she realized, was the true essence of leadership.

The Accidental Diminisher
I enjoyed the article and could see how empowering others can make a difference. I'm thinking of how I can apply this principle outside of my work and into my everyday life. I do believe in "we" more than just me. I certainly don't have all the answers.
(August 06, 2024 ~ 9:53 AM)
By Dave Hileman