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What do CEOs and Turtlenecks have in common?
What do chief executive officers (CEOs) and turtlenecks have in common? The changing landscape in business is going to reveal some strange adaptations in the future of the American business enterprise. A more youthful workforce will most definitely have a significant impact on both the environment as well as the management that occupies the typical corporate boardroom.

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Surviving the Talent Eodus

Available Early 2011

The Learning Spotlight

What are the Reasons for Employee Dissatisfaction in the Workplace?

Gallup survey results yielded that the employees who responded positively to the 12 questions worked in business units with higher levels of productivity ~ profit ~ employee retention ~ customer satisfaction. It was also discovered that it is the employees' immediate manager, and not the pay, benefits, perks or charismatic corporate leader, who plays the critical role in building a strong workplace. So it implies that people leave managers, not companies. This means that if the relationship with the immediate manager is fractured, no amount of company-sponsored daycare will persuade someone to stay and perform.

Here are Twelve Questions for your employees that will measure the strength of your workplace:

  1. Do I know what is expected of me at my job?
  2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?
  3. Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
  4. In the past seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing well?
  5. Does anybody at my workplace seem to care about me as a person?
  6. Is there anyone, be it a supervisor or a colleague, who encourages my development?
  7. Do my opinions seem to count at my workplace?
  8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel that my job is important?
  9. Do I have a best friend at the organization of which I am an employee?
  10. Has someone at work talked to me about my progress in the last six months?
  11. This last year, has my job given me an opportunity to learn and grow?
  12. Are my co-workers committed to accomplishing excellence while performing their job responsibilities?


Important Training Disclaimer

Warning:  Employees who experience our training may no longer tolerate typical, boring training that yields little more than an expense for your company and time away from the job for the employee.  Attendees in our courses will expect training to be fun, dynamic and above all useful on the job.  Using GCI "When Training Matters" for your training could cause your team to demand more than your average training experience.