The Learning Spotlight
The Freedom of Naked
By John Grubbs
As a parent of two boys, I have a perspective that does not include that of a father of little girls. And while the same behavior may be normal, I have no experience from which to make the same judgment. What is it about little boys and dancing naked? This supposedly common behavior that some may consider unspeakable is not limited to my own two little human examples, is it? There is something revealing about this behavior and the pun is
definitely intended. This lack of restriction and confinement must be somewhat liberating to the normal single digit age human boy. The common after bath ritual must promote some feeling of euphoria that I have long forgotten but should probably try to remember. Is it the product of encapsulated energy? Is it a latent sense of escape? And what in the name of “Sam Hill – whoever that is” does this have to do with the point of this
article? Consider this behavior and the implication for all of us as humans. As we grow older, society begins to restrict and confine us all. We cannot speak openly. How many times have you heard a child ask the question we were all thinking but would not dare ask? We cannot reveal our true emotion. We cannot even decide to wear two different color socks. We can no longer be the police officer, train conductor,
baseball player andpilot all at the same time. The older we get, the more (figurative) clothes we have to wear. We cannot freely think and act because we have been infected with OPD (Older People Disease). No longer can we be the super hero nor do we ask a friend which super hero they want to be. Our constriction starts when we get embarrassed. Some may refer to this as enlightenment, while others may see the opposite. The
acknowledgement of how we are viewed (and worse judged) by others can be very limiting for us in the workplace... Click to read more...
Surviving the Talent Exodus
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This amazing new book is about the challenge facing organizations as we lose millions of baby boomers to retirement. Most companies don't realize that January 1, 2011 will be one of the most impactful days for the present workforce...the baby boomers turn 65. The future of all organizations rest on the shoulders of generation Y (under 30) and their very different approach to work and career.